Opportunities for Students and Alumni

Center for Anthropological Services

Real-world experience

The Center for Anthropological Services provides Hamline students and recent graduates with opportunities to gain practical, on-the-job experience in the form of internships and employment.  Interns and employees of the Center work at archaeological and burial recovery sites across the state, and in the archaeology lab on campus. Working with the Center reinforces classroom experience and gives students practical skills that will prepare them for jobs in cultural resource management or further academic study.


Interested students should contact Professor Brian Hoffman (bhoffman@hamline.edu) for additional information.

Shovel testing at the Lindberg Historic Site in Morrison County.

​​​​Shovel testing at the Lindberg Historic Site in Morrison County

Supporting Hamline courses

The Center for Anthropological Services provides support for many of the anthropological and archaeological methods courses offered by the Department of Humans, Climate and the Environment, including an annual field school (ANTH 3730).

Student in anthropology course at Hamline

Field school (ANTH 3730) at Forestville State Park




  • ANTH 3700 Anthropological Methods for Exploring the Human Past

  • ANTH 3710 Human Osteology and Skeletal Identification (with Lab)

  • ANTH 3720 Forensic Anthropology

  • ANTH 3730 Archaeology in the Field

  • ANTH 3740 Archaeology in the Laboratory

  • ANTH 3810 Excavating Hamline History

  • ANTH 3030 Topics in Sociocultural Anthropology

Interested students should contact Professor Brian Hoffman (bhoffman@hamline.edu) for more information. 

Images from the field

Hamline students gain real-world experience on projects.

HUCAS project with Hamline students
Forestville State Park

Pedestrian survey across a 19th-century cellar depression at Forestville State Park, Filmore County

HUCAS and Hamline students conducting GPR survey
Mower County

Minnesota Historical Society remote sensing specialist and Hamline students conducting GPR survey, Mower County

Test excavations during Phase II evaluation along Red Lake River, Polk County.
Red Lake River

Test excavations during Phase II evaluation along Red Lake River, Polk County

Ulland Burn, Center for Anthropological Services (HUCAS)
Cottonwood County

Controlled burn to facilitate archaeological pedestrian survey on the Red Rock Ridge

HUCAS Excavations at 830 Simpson site (ANTH 3810)
830 Simpson

Excavations at 830 Simpson site with students of Hamline course ANTH 3810

Contact information