Tuition Payment Details
Student Accounts
Tuition due dates Information regarding Hamline's E-Bill and E-Payment system
Payment methods
Pay Online in Workday
Checks or money orders may be mailed to the address below. Make sure to include your Hamline ID on the memo line.
Hamline University Student Accounts
1536 Hewitt Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55104
Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted at the Cashier's Office in 113E East Hall.
Monthly fees assessed to a student's account (e.g. parking fines, print charges, etc.) are due the last day of the month in which they are billed.
Preferred payment method for international students
Hamline University has partnered with PayMyTuition for international tuition payments. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from any bank, in any country in any currency at better than bank exchange rates. PayMyTuition is fast, simple, and cost effective.
Click the button below to pay with PayMyTuition.

Additional information on PayMyTuition:
How to make a payment – step-by-step PDFs:
PayMyTuition customer support information
Call 1.855.663.6839 (toll-free) or through one of their local country contact numbers. You can also reach PayMyTuition Support at or through their support page.
No matter what time zone you are in, you will have a dedicated customer support team available to you through live chat, email and phone to answer any of your questions and help you make your payment.
Late fees
If payment in full is not received by the due date, the account is considered past due and a financial hold is placed on the student's records. Past due balances are assessed interest at 0.67% per month. See Financial Agreement and Disclosure document for more information.
Payment plan options
Hamline University has two payment plan options available. Visit our payment plan information page information page for details.