Housing Amenities, Services, and Information

Office of Residential Life

Are you new to on-campus living? Learn what is included with your on-campus housing package. Internet, cable, streaming TV, and laundry are all included. Our services and amenities make this a great and affordable option.

Our online residential handbook has all of the information you need on policies, contract terms, what to do if you need help with services or other issues, and more.

View Hamline's residential handbook »

Included with our residential housing

Care packages

Share your love and support all year long with the Hamline University care package program. A care package is the best way to remind your student that family is thinking of them on a birthday, a holiday, and during final exams. A care package says it all.

Each of our care packages are loaded with all of your student's favorite snacks, including fresh baked cakes or cookies, fresh fruit, candy bars, and more! The best part is that you can include your own personal note to your student in every package. Don't just show them how much you care, tell them!

For years, Hamline University has been offering the care package program to every student. We know the perfect time to send each package throughout the semester, just when your student really needs a boost.

Your student is practically guaranteed to call home and say thank you when their package arrives. We offer a wide variety of options that will fit any budget and satisfy your student's cravings. We even have gluten-free and peanut-free packages to choose from.