Brian Malloy
Brian Malloy’s novels are The Year of Ice (St. Martin’s Press), Brendan Wolf (St. Martin’s Press), and the young adult novel Twelve Long Months (Scholastic). His books have been a Book Sense pick, a New York Times New and Notable title, and a Booklist editors’ choice. Honors include a 2015 Minnesota State Arts Board artist grant, a Jerome Foundation travel/study grant, a 2003 American Library Association Alex Award, and a 2009 Minnesota Book Award. His nonfiction has appeared in Out, The Readerville Journal, and the Lambda Literary Award-winning anthology The Man I Might Become (Marlowe & Co.). He teaches creative writing and literature at the University of Minnesota, Hamline University, and the Loft Literary Center, and previously taught at Emerson College (Boston). He is a 2015 Visiting Writer with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop.
The Year of Ice
St. Martin’s Press
Brendan Wolf
St. Martin’s Press
Twelve Long Months