Pipers Shine at APS Annual Meeting

The American Physical Society (APS) hosted its annual March Meeting at the Minneapolis Convention Center this past week, from March 3-8. This conference attracted more than 13,000 physicists from around the world--at all stages of their careers--providing them the opportunity to share their research, participate in workshops, and network with professionals in industry and academia. APS Student Ambassador Josh Sedarski 24 organized a group of 11 students to attend this conference, providing them the opportunity to get engaged in the global physics community. Several students and faculty presented their work, including Professor Lifeng Dong, Josh Sedarski, Anders Anthonisen-Brown 26, and Lucas Liabraaten 26. Undergraduate presentations were judged by established mentors in academia and industry, and Sedarski was selected as one of more than 400 student poster presentations to receive an award distinguishing them for an outstanding presentation. During the Student Reception Quiz, Hamline students won four of the top ten prizes -- way to go Pipers!